Sunday 26 March 2017

Springtime in the Garden

Here you can se why I have not been very productive on the hobby front this last week. The soil in the vegetable garden had to be prepared for planting and sowing, starting with the potatoes next weekend, if the weather is nice. I shall rake and fertilize the area for the potatoes tomorrow (if I still have some fertilizer left in the garden storage room in the garage).

The plasic bags are bark mulch, meant to be placed around the blueberry bushes.

I took a couple photos more - the first is the large pinetrees between the vegetable garden and the creek, and the next one is a close-up of the flower bed I created for my wife a couple of years ago now - it will be in full bloom very soon, I think, which I am joyfully anticipating.

Sadly, some rooks have settled in some of the trees on the other side of the creek, and I think I shall have to find a way to get rid of them (I may have to go to the extreme of taking a hunter's course to get a license and the right to buy/use a hunting rifle).

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